The fund set up by BP was set up to indemnify for damage caused by spill. That there should be a penalty for unsafe practices is another issue.
But of course, we should look the other way when the rush to profits by a large corp loses lives, damages environment, and causes diminishment of quality of life for millions. Rep party showed where their interests are with that apology to BP for being held accountable by the American people.
And without workers, there would be no corporations. WIthout workers getting adequate wages and benefits (bring on that one pay health care, baby), there wouldn’t be corporations. So what is your point?
If your posts were a little brighter, perhaps you could be called an idealouge. But based on your posts, you really don’t rank better than a talking point repeating parrot.
Only over 80,000. Plus they donate millions annually for Gulf research and have been since the 1970’s. I was personally involved with whale research BP funded from 1992 to 1996 in the GOM (Gulf of Mexico for the Libs).
Lighten up.
Drilling company says feds stonewalling on permits
Lawyers for a company that sued to stop the government’s offshore drilling ban claim the U.S. has not yet issued a new permit, even though the ban was lifted nearly a month ago. The attorneys for Ensco Offshore, a company that owns and operates drilling rigs, also claim the U.S. has been stonewalling on the status of inspections. A hearing in federal court in New Orleans has been scheduled for Tuesday in part to discuss the concerns raised by lawyers for Ensco. In court papers filed Thursday, the attorneys say that while the government on Oct. 12 lifted its ban on deepwater drilling issued in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, it has not yet issued a single permit that would allow the resumption of any previously suspended drilling activities. The Interior Department declined to comment.
BHO wants America to FAIL. But BHO gives $2 BILLION (of our money)to Brazil so they can drill.
You see Karl,The Jobs that Obama and every politician is looking for is going to be created (forget saved, LOL) and offered to anyone is going to have to come from these Big Bad Corporations you want to tax to death, punish and fine and put out of business you socialist pig.
So arguing with you is like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys. They always jump around, use no logic, scream out insults without backing it up and make noises that make no sense at all. I know I can always get you to scream by poking you with how great our last president was, George Bush. EEEEEEKK.. See, I knew I could get you to scream Karl Marx.
Ladies and gentleman, in the red corner, we have the challenger, Republican Ram, with a record of claiming to cut taxes and making government smaller while fighting wars on two fronts and creating the TARP program which they blamed on Democrats in this years election an not being concerned in the least in creating jobs.
In the blue corner, we have Democrat Slam, with a record of wanting to tax the rich, creating the stimulus bill and the health care law and not doing enough to try and create jobs.
This is a tough call for the American people. Two idealogue blowhards, who are more concerned about protecting their own hides than working to solve the problems of this country. Both capable of inciting the likes of you two, Sarah and Karl, to hurl vitriol at each other, without getting anything done.
Real solutions to problems require people to sit down and discuss them in a civil manner and wto work towards compromises that will help the most Americans.
I don’t want to be taxed to death, but i don’t expect it for free either.
We need less government, but we also need corporate America to act like good citizens. Too far one way or the other and we end up where we are now.
The Bush administration knocked down regulations and business ran over it with a bulldozer.
The Obama administration rebuilt regulations and commerce seems unable to flow around it.
I don’t have the answers, but I am willing to discuss them..civilly. I wish you could too.
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As the illustrious New Orleans Mayor, Ray Nagin said, WHERES THE BEEF?
Isnt the money that BP gave and still giving enough? When is enough, enough?
How much money is an oil soaked pelican worth? Obviously Billions!
The fund set up by BP was set up to indemnify for damage caused by spill. That there should be a penalty for unsafe practices is another issue.
But of course, we should look the other way when the rush to profits by a large corp loses lives, damages environment, and causes diminishment of quality of life for millions. Rep party showed where their interests are with that apology to BP for being held accountable by the American people.
You are such an idealogue. Without corporations you socialist idiot, you wouldnt have a job!
Again, Move to France!
And without workers, there would be no corporations. WIthout workers getting adequate wages and benefits (bring on that one pay health care, baby), there wouldn’t be corporations. So what is your point?
If your posts were a little brighter, perhaps you could be called an idealouge. But based on your posts, you really don’t rank better than a talking point repeating parrot.
Only over 80,000. Plus they donate millions annually for Gulf research and have been since the 1970’s. I was personally involved with whale research BP funded from 1992 to 1996 in the GOM (Gulf of Mexico for the Libs).
Lighten up.
Drilling company says feds stonewalling on permits
Lawyers for a company that sued to stop the government’s offshore drilling ban claim the U.S. has not yet issued a new permit, even though the ban was lifted nearly a month ago. The attorneys for Ensco Offshore, a company that owns and operates drilling rigs, also claim the U.S. has been stonewalling on the status of inspections. A hearing in federal court in New Orleans has been scheduled for Tuesday in part to discuss the concerns raised by lawyers for Ensco. In court papers filed Thursday, the attorneys say that while the government on Oct. 12 lifted its ban on deepwater drilling issued in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, it has not yet issued a single permit that would allow the resumption of any previously suspended drilling activities. The Interior Department declined to comment.
BHO wants America to FAIL. But BHO gives $2 BILLION (of our money)to Brazil so they can drill.
You see Karl,The Jobs that Obama and every politician is looking for is going to be created (forget saved, LOL) and offered to anyone is going to have to come from these Big Bad Corporations you want to tax to death, punish and fine and put out of business you socialist pig.
So arguing with you is like going to the zoo and watching the monkeys. They always jump around, use no logic, scream out insults without backing it up and make noises that make no sense at all. I know I can always get you to scream by poking you with how great our last president was, George Bush. EEEEEEKK.. See, I knew I could get you to scream Karl Marx.
Ladies and gentleman, in the red corner, we have the challenger, Republican Ram, with a record of claiming to cut taxes and making government smaller while fighting wars on two fronts and creating the TARP program which they blamed on Democrats in this years election an not being concerned in the least in creating jobs.
In the blue corner, we have Democrat Slam, with a record of wanting to tax the rich, creating the stimulus bill and the health care law and not doing enough to try and create jobs.
This is a tough call for the American people. Two idealogue blowhards, who are more concerned about protecting their own hides than working to solve the problems of this country. Both capable of inciting the likes of you two, Sarah and Karl, to hurl vitriol at each other, without getting anything done.
Real solutions to problems require people to sit down and discuss them in a civil manner and wto work towards compromises that will help the most Americans.
I don’t want to be taxed to death, but i don’t expect it for free either.
We need less government, but we also need corporate America to act like good citizens. Too far one way or the other and we end up where we are now.
The Bush administration knocked down regulations and business ran over it with a bulldozer.
The Obama administration rebuilt regulations and commerce seems unable to flow around it.
I don’t have the answers, but I am willing to discuss them..civilly. I wish you could too.