Insurers Urge State Regulators to Focus on Streamlining Regulation

October 18, 2010

  • October 19, 2010 at 12:10 pm
    Underwriter says:
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    Ever notice how these useless parasite state insurance commissioners manage to hold their equally useless meeting in lovely vacation spots at our expense at least four times a year? If you count their entourage of toadies who do all the work they’re supposed to do themselves but don’t have the brains to do, the cost is significant. These are the people who need to feed at the public trough because they’re unemployable in the private sector. Best example: The vain, incompetent and totally uneducated Delaware commissioner.

  • October 19, 2010 at 12:55 pm
    Carol Bolton says:
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    What Mr Snyder is really saying here is that he wants NO regulation of insurance products. That leaves the consumer holding the bag when their claims are not paid. It also increases the rate of lawsuits that are filed against the insurance agents who are selling these products. The sickest part of this is that the NAIC (insurance commissioners) support this type of practice. I also agree that these meetings at resort locations are not needed. With all of the technology available, they could hold their meetings over a Webinar like most national organizations do. If the states are hurting financially then why are the states paying for their commissioners to attend meetings in resort locations? I for one would like to see what the insurance company executives are providing for the state commissioners. You can bet this is also disgusting and in most states ( Oregon) very illegal!!

  • October 19, 2010 at 4:32 am
    Underwriter says:
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    Carol, you bet it’s illegal. Anyone who’s been in the insurance business a number of years knows there’s no such thing as an honest insurance commissioner. These corrupt losers seek the positions, appointed or elected, precisely because of the huge potential for self-enrichment. They are ALL, to a greater or lesser extent, in the pockets of the carriers they’re charged with regulating. The ones in Oregon and Delaware are apparently especially brazen. The useless moron in Delaware is being protected by the equally corrupt Democrat power structure because she’s cutting them in on her take. If it weren’t for that, this individual and her cronies would already be in prison where they belong.

  • October 19, 2010 at 6:59 am
    Won't work... says:
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    Let’s see…..Politicians & attorneys….nope, wont’ work.

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