BP Oil Spill Claims Hit $1.6 Billion

June 14, 2010

  • June 14, 2010 at 2:01 am
    J. Liska says:
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    Has it struck anyone that BP’s focus is “capturing” oil rather than STOPPING the oil leak? BP’s entire focus has been on BP’s own $$ bottom line and not on the environmental or the ecoomic damage to the Gulf Coast they set off by their negligent actions. It certainly begs the question could the leak have been stopped weeks ago if the damage control plan after the accident had been to stop the leak rather than trying to salvage BP’s investment in the well by “capturing” the oil. All of the public statements they’ve been releasing keep referencing “capturing” the oil. Not STOPPING the oil. Why is the U.S. Government not taking note and changing the battle strategy? This is a life altering disaster for the Gulf!

  • June 14, 2010 at 2:27 am
    Matt Lauer says:
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    Obama names BP CEO Tony Hayward as Oil Csar. Although he has not spoken to him in 54 days, he has given him all authority over all our coastal waters and polution prevention efforts in the Gulf. In an interview with the president he stated that if he does not like what happens down there he has someone else that he can blame along with Bush. He also stated that we might create an Oil polution committee made up of congressmen to figure out how to stop the oil leak. Bwaney Fwank has agreed to head up the committee due to his expertise and great work in the Banking area, when asked what he thinks he stated that he would use a very large condom.

    Now that is leadership you can believe in! Hows that “HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YOU!

    “HOPE” FOR NOV 2010 AND “CHANGE” IN 2012

  • June 14, 2010 at 2:32 am
    Serge Strong says:
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    Has anyone figured out yet that we have a President who is supposed to be taking charge right now! Why is BP in charge still? Why didnt the administration hire the very best Engineers in the world to be there right now working to stop the leak? NO TONY HAYWARD AND BP ARE LEFT THERE TO BLAME WHILE OUR GULF DIES A SLOW DEATH. OBAMA IS TO BLAME FOR LACK OF LEADERSHIP!

  • June 14, 2010 at 2:35 am
    Sarah says:
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    The effort of Obama and Salizar makes the “Good Job Brownie” statement by Bush look smart.

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