Hacker Indicted in Huge ID Theft: 130 Million Credit Cards

August 17, 2009

  • August 17, 2009 at 3:12 am
    Astro says:
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    Great job not detaining him until trial so he could go out and do the same thing again.

  • August 18, 2009 at 12:20 pm
    matt says:
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    Just another reason to avoid large databases of information (such as the Real ID act Congress keeps trying to sneak in).

    When you aggregate so much valuable data in one place people can and will access it inappropriately.

    –Careful about keeping your info in one place. Never leave a complete data profile in one place.

    –Change your passwords often, and don’t use easy password hints– think about who could guess your mothers maiden, first street/pet name etc and then subsequently access your account.

    –Use complex passwords and change them regularly. At least 8 digits containing uppercase, lowercase, numbers and symbols.. “Ilovepuppies” is not a good password but “1LoV3puPPi35” is much stronger.

    –Use a program like TrueCrypt to encrypt sensitive financial documents on your hard drive.

  • August 19, 2009 at 12:27 pm
    dawn says:
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    Changing passwords, using True Crypt, etc are good ideas, but the fact is that nothing you do will change the fact that these hackers are targeting the companies that you have no control over. It’s not worth their time or effort to ‘guess your mother’s maiden name’ when they can pull thousands of credit cards in a matter of minutes from the company itself.

    Equifax had a major breach last year- someone pretended to be Ford Motor Credit and stole thousands of ID’s. JCPenny, TJMaxx, and several others were hacked as well.

    The best thing you can do, probably the only thing, is keep a close eye on your accounts. The odds of someone hacking your personal account is pretty slim. The odds of someone hacking the bank that holds the note on your car or house is getting larger and larger everyday.

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