Former Staffer Says Hofstra Football Players Harassed Her

January 31, 2008

  • January 31, 2008 at 7:03 am
    lastbat says:
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    I’m with you Moe. Unfortunately most women don’t seem to get that men really are as straightforward as we claim to be, so we have to complicate things in an attempt to make them understand.

    I’m going to go home and watch somebody blow some stuff up tonight. Good times.

  • January 31, 2008 at 2:32 am
    Alex says:
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    Hey, there are some places where “boys will be boys” and all the ranting and demanding that they cease and desist isn’t going to change that propensity anytime soon. Football is MALE sport. The intrusion by females is neither necessary or welcomed in some circles. On the flip side, there are many programs where female staffers don’t have these problems. Why does this female have them?
    Bottom line, if you can’t run with the big dogs……..stay on the porch. The game of football isn’t going to change so this woman can realize her dreams.

  • January 31, 2008 at 3:22 am
    Eli says:
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    She probably got dumped by the QB and this is payback.

    I just hope the Patriots lose to the Giants.

  • January 31, 2008 at 3:39 am
    claimsgal says:
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    Oh Please! Have we not moved forward against the “boys will be boys” theory? Can women not hold any job that they are qualified for without having to deal with the harrassement issue? I only hope your daughters don’t find themselves in the same situation. What would be the reaction then?

  • January 31, 2008 at 4:05 am
    Eli says:
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    The truthful answer is “no” we have not moved forward in that regard. You won’t undo centuries of behavior in a few decades. Women are free to pursue whatever they wish. The reality is, there’s a companion price they pay. When they force an issue, they get pushback. It’s just the nature of the beast. (no pun) It ain’t a perfect world, never was, never will be. Some things just aren’t worth a woman’s time to pursue.

  • January 31, 2008 at 4:10 am
    Randy says:
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    That’s all fine & dandy, but the real question is whether or not the Giants will elect to double cover Randy Moss. Brady is sharp enough to find someone with single coverage. Go Giants!

  • January 31, 2008 at 6:10 am
    Agreed claimsgal & Eli says:
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    Unfortunately, she should have gone in with her eyes wide open if she wanted to play in that field. No puns intended, just thought that was the best way to put it. Some industries are rougher than others.

  • January 31, 2008 at 6:21 am
    lastbat says:
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    There is too much here for one forum.

    We as a society in America have tried to simultaneously castrate our men and require them to be MEN. We have demanded sensitivity, concern, caring, compassion, that men settle down and not play so rough, that we not hit, don’t swear and play nice. Men also don’t get any sexual action unless they are bad boys, or the woman is finally ready to settle down – nice guys do get picked last.

    Throughout all of this men have lost the legal right to be men. Males will hit. We will swear. We will do things that to women seem completely inappropriate and to other men seem hilarious. Men are a different animal than women and we need to do these things. NEED TO DO THEM. It’s what makes us men. Suppressing these needs leads to all sorts of problems that we see in American male society today.

    On the flip side – women do have a legal right to work wherever they want and to work without harassment. It’s not right that anybody, man or woman, should have to tolerate harassment to keep a job. Along this line, there are some jobs – specific jobs mind you, not professions in general – that women should not apply for because the environment would not support them. It sounds like this college football team is one of those jobs.

    The college will take a huge hit, and rightfully so. They failed to take the appropriate steps after hearing complaints. But hopefully the woman in the article will realize that she can’t, and shouldn’t, change men and there will always be places where men will be men just as there will always be places where women will be women.

    Over the past three or four decades men have slowly lost the things that were theirs, while women have not given up anything that was theirs. As a society we need to recognize that men need things, need space to be men, and leave them alone there. No women. No kids. Just men. Being men.

  • January 31, 2008 at 6:50 am
    Moe says:
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    I like being a man.

    Three Stooges & video games.

  • February 1, 2008 at 10:20 am
    Dave says:
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    Hofstra has a football team? This is news to me.

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