Commission Files Final Report on Holocaust Insurance Claims

June 19, 2007

  • June 19, 2007 at 1:54 am
    Wally Russ says:
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    Why does it take the Jewish people so long to take action? They didn’t decide to chase alleged war criminals until they were fifty or sixty years old. They didn’t dig up a revenue source for insurance claims until 60 years later. Hopefully this will be the final chapter in what has been a never-ending saga. The Jewish people need to remember the past, but live in the present and plan for the future. Everybody agrees the Holocaust was a tragedy, but the real tragedy is continuing to allow it to define your life.

  • June 19, 2007 at 2:25 am
    farmgirl says:
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    Well, that was a little insensitive. Maybe they were in shock the first 50 years. I’m just glad this was something that got accomplished and people were helped who have suffered.

  • June 19, 2007 at 4:00 am
    Wally Russ says:
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    Insensitive? Good thing I tossed the first three drafts. Unfortunately, the people who suffered are dead and gone. Their surviving families will benefit. My only issue is the tremendous amount of resources including time and money that has been spent trying to re-create all the records. I suspect the proceeds after the attorneys are paid won’t amount to much to the actual claimants. Seems like a massive effort to prove a point. There are other immigrants to came here and lost everything. You don’t see them chasing the past. They’ve realized today and tomorrow are all that really matter.

  • June 20, 2007 at 10:17 am
    J.Menschik says:
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    You really miss the point. There are many people that I know who are still alive and have been trying for fourty years or more to collect and have been unable to do so. Many were trapped behind the Iron Curtain and until they came to a free society were barred from doing so. My mother-in law(still alive ) has been trying since 1960 with no success and her fater was a life insurance agent in what was then Czechoslovacia and knows of policies that were in force for family and friend who perished in the Holocaust, the records of which have disapeared.

    The Comission helped some people but I know of many more that it did not and the payouts are a pittance. They should have been adjusted to present value from the date of death. The insurers involved made out like bandits with the settlement.

  • June 20, 2007 at 10:23 am
    farmgirl says:
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    Everytime you think maybe, just maybe, someone did a good thing — you gotta know that there is a motive behind it. Why did the insurance companies have to make money on this – why couldn’t they just break even and be happy.

  • June 20, 2007 at 11:04 am
    aunti everything says:
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    So what is your alternative? Just pay everyone regardless of actual proof of exposure? I don’t understand your point. I certainly want those deserving payment to get it. My father in law was one of the soldiers who entered one of the camps and could never talk about these horrors. Private companies are not charities and have to show proof of their liability before they can just hand out money. Facts are needed regardless of the horror of the history here.

  • June 21, 2007 at 7:54 am
    farm girl says:
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    My point is not that insurance companies did not have to make huge profits– not that they shouldn’t have proof of claim, etc., but why did they have to profit.

  • June 21, 2007 at 2:55 am
    reagan says:
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    ah… because running a business is about PROFIT. I guess that’s why you are on a farm and not in big business, huh?

  • June 21, 2007 at 2:59 am
    farmgirl says:
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    Don’t tell anyone, but I am an accountant and I work for an insurance company… I understand profits, etc. etc. – there is such as thing as doing the right thing.

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