Mexican Trucks to Travel Deeper into U.S. Roads; Safety Advocates Say Move Endangers Motorists

February 26, 2007

  • February 27, 2007 at 12:49 pm
    Gring0 says:
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    The increase in spending has resulted largely from increases in the costs of communist-inspired \”entitlements\” like SS and Medicare / Medicaid, which were given to us by the glorious and immortal FDR and LBJ – both democrats.

    Spending on these monstrosities is currently ruining the health care system in this country and leading us down the road to ruin.

    Discretionary spending increased only 1-2% in the latest budget submitted by Bush, I think, and of course there are the expenses of the two wars we are fighting made necessary by Clinton\’s having other things to do than fight Terrorism, and Jimmy Carter deposing the Shah of Iran and putting the Ayatollahs in power there.

    As for companies having loyalty to their country of origin: any company\’s first loyalty is to its owners, which is to say, to itself. Going out of business due to blind loyalty to a government that has become hostile to business interests is not really loyalty but suicide.

    By this logic the Pilgrims would have never come here. They would have remained loyal to England despite the depredations England was inflicting on them, and never (have gone to Holland or) come here.

  • February 27, 2007 at 3:30 am
    Etimer says:
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    Yes the invisible hand of economics, you must have been reading Adam Smith?

    Using the current outsourcing will eventually level itself thoughts, you and I will be dead until that happens.

    We are approaching a time compared to a previous time in history. The time of the great railroad barons and industrialist tycoons. Instead of importing their cheap slave labor they can now export the manufacturing of the goods to cheap slave labor. Instead of sweat shops in America they have sweat shops in some third world country. Instead of child labor in the USA they have another country use child labor. It is all good for the corporation but is it really good for the country. I say no.

    The mega-corporations are pressing hard for constitutional rights that were granted to persons in the same category as humans. This will lead to a greater control of the few. I am a Republican and have never shown a love of Unions. I am re-thinking the Union idea. I can\’t be a Dem and I am really fed up with the Republican Party, so where does that leave me? That leaves me as a PO\’d American, sitting back watching America burn as Rome did during a previous time in history.

    So sit back, light a cigar the fix is already in.

    What is the global economy (rhetorical question)? It seems that it is the ability to shift labor to third world countries so that the corporations can benefit. It sure isn\’t about us selling goods and services to countries such as India. With 300 million people, we are a force of our own. Heck California has a GDP as big as many countries. So why do we need to ship all the jobs to other countries. In my local paper I saw a job wanted ad for a chemist and the salary was only $39,000 a year. For a chemist!??!? Why are construction workers making close to the same hourly wage as I did in 1975? What is going on here? Where is the capital flowing to? My guess is that capital is flowing in larger amounts to fewer hands. We are told each year that America is producing more and more millionaires. Hm? If large capital is flowing in fewer hands does that mean we are producing less and less middle class?

    Because of the inversion flow of capital I think government programs will grow. The will grow out of need and necessity. The growing government didn\’t persuade the corporations to move their labor capital to India. Greed persuaded them to move it. Just as greed kills socialism greed will kill our form of capitalism.

    Even though Marie Antoinette never said the famous \”let them eat cake\” the current rulers and upper class in the USA might just as well mutter the same words.

  • February 27, 2007 at 4:43 am
    Gring0 says:
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    \”…you and I will be dead until that happens.\” -Etimer

    Speak for yourself.

  • February 27, 2007 at 5:40 am
    Etimer says:
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    Ok…..maybe just me.

    The point is that the rising tide of global labor equalization won\’t happen very soon.

    They have yet to start using the Indian people of the Amazon rain forest for labor capital. I am sure they could get those people to work for some abysmal hourly wage. Imagine the labor savings that would be possible? Imagine the extra stock options and warrants that could be given out to the CEO/COO/CFO\’s? Why the thought of it just makes my heart palpitate.

  • February 28, 2007 at 9:20 am
    Mmmm says:
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    I hope that your words, typed or written, do not do you more harm than good. I\’m not saying anyone is right or wrong, but the article is about Mexican Trucking Companies working in the U.S.

    How you were able to turn that into a rant about other nations & the abilities of their people, the work that they may or may not be qualified for… well, that\’s a true mystery. I guess you must be so far up the ladder of societal evolution that it seems appropriate to you to judge.

    Be compassionate & understanding when it comes to cultures that you do not know personally & you may find that we are not all that different… the common thread is that we are all human!

  • February 28, 2007 at 10:14 am
    etimer says:
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    Wow! You better come along on a mission trip to India. Yes they are a very poor country but they are far past what you say: \”perform tasks like sewing sneakers together and soldering circuit boards, so they can be modestly productive.\”

    Except for service centered jobs like, carpenters, painters, cashiers, etc,. there is not one reason on this earth that today we couldn\’t ship every job to India. If you think everyone in India is poor and stupid…better re-think that supposition.

    Remember how the big deal was to go into IT? Well that was good but then they shipped the IT departments to India. Now we have IT people masters degrees selling widgets.

    Just as we dumbed down the education system we are dumbing down the flow of spending capital. Aside from the insurance sales I was also a Series 7 guy for 15 years. I found that the majority of people are deep in debt. America funds their life not through production and spending capital but through debt. Do a search on the net and you will find the US citizen has a terrible savings rate. That savings rate was actually a negative rate in 2006. It is the worst savings rate since the Great Depression. I believe many Americans see it slipping away, is in denial and uses debt to feed that denial.

    What would happen if today, this minute, credit cards were made illegal? I would lay $10,000 on the table that you would see a crashing economy. People do not have spending capital, that cash, that money in the bank, to feed the consumer driven economy. The debt fed society is like a business that won\’t accept its demise. Instead it uses lines of credit to stay alive until that one day, the day there are no more lines of credit and the business must close. It is my opinion that our current path of outsourcing will lead us down the same path as the failing business.

    To me economists are like accounts. They can give you the numbers you want to hear. For 18 years my wife worked for one of the big 8 accounting firms. How does that accountant saying go? What\’s 2 plus 2 equal? The accountant says, what do you want it to equal. Maybe that\’s why it is called economics theory? Unlike mathematics or gravity, economics isn\’t a law but a theory. Theories change, can be wrong and may have devastating outcomes. Hm?

    What made America a great place to live, grow and prosper was the three tierd economy. You could move from one teir to another because there was so many varied jobs. We are headed to a two tiered economy and not as many varied jobs.

    I\’ve been self employed (I own this deal) since the early 1990\’s. To be in business that long you need to be positive and always look at the glass half full. But I am not someone with blinders on and don\’t see a rosy picture for the future America. I will survive….I always do.

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