Judge Reduces State Farm’s Punitive Damages in Miss. Katrina Case

January 31, 2007

  • February 1, 2007 at 8:00 am
    Rich Pyorre says:
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    For those who questioned my previous post about State Farm\’s perjury I do have the information and it has been seen by a jury in a 6 week trial. The jury in Mendocino County Calif Case #CV82819 found against State Farm. The case has been to the Calif. Appellate Court #A101791 and Calif. Supreme Court #S131445 and now back to the Appellate and back to the trial court. As for the manufacturing of evidence by State Farm that has been shown to a court in Sonoma County, California Case #CGC234700 and the trial is set for March 2, 2007. The information is credible and factual

  • February 1, 2007 at 12:52 pm
    Rich Pyorre says:
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    The judges comments say it all \”substantial harm resulted from defendants conduct which was neither isolated nor mere accident\”. State Farm continues to use similar tactics and I have documentation of it here in California. Manufacturing documentation to try and win its litigation was done in our case and I have the proof. I also have the proof of State Farm\’s perjury to the IRS. I would think Congress would be interested in perjury that avoids (for example) social security payments on approximately $3 Billion of annual payroll.

  • February 1, 2007 at 2:03 am
    No really says:
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    Now, I would really like to believe you, but if you sincerely had that kind of evidence against State Farm, why would you not turn it in? Give me a break.

  • February 1, 2007 at 2:25 am
    Chad Balaamaba says:
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    he probably has proof of bigfoot, but doesn\’t want to release it until he can be guaranteed his 15 minutes…

  • February 1, 2007 at 2:39 am
    Reason says:
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    Rich, what the judge did was called a \”save face\” move so State Farm will not appeal the case. AS far as your evidence, if it is legitimate, I am sure the appropriate authorities will take whatever action is needed. But Millions of people get paid there claims in full everyday by State Farm and most other insurance companies. Since I was not in the courtroom to hear the evidence I have no comment on the case, and neither should anyone else who wasn\’t in there.

  • February 1, 2007 at 3:37 am
    Ralph Balaamaba says:
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    Good point Chad Balaamaba. It kind of reminds me of the story you tell about the big fish wanting to eat the little fish but the little fish does not want to be eaten… Oh you know the rest. Feel free to share with everyone else. Good moral story to share with the public. By the way down with Walmart. Damn those people for selling stuff cheaper than others and forcing me to drive around for 10-15 minutes to find a place to park.

  • February 1, 2007 at 4:45 am
    Tom says:
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    In case anyone is interested, Judge Senter is merely following the guidelines laid down recently by the U.S. Supreme Court in a case called Campbell, which held that a punitive damage award of more than nine times actual damages should be very rare; and further, the more adequate the compensatory damages are, the lower the punitive damage award should be. As a federal judge, he has no choice but to follow that type of rule. Since the compensatory damages were adequate, the judge could have cut the award even further and probably been upheld on appeal.

  • February 1, 2007 at 6:38 am
    Ralph Balamabama says:
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    Punitive damages against a company that sells an indemnity policy are ridiculous. The people that are being punished are the State Farm policyholders I.E. John Q Public. If they have actual damages and loss of use that are owed they should be paid for them and them alone. Punitive damages will only be passed on to us consumers. You think $1million punitive damages have State Farm executives walking around with their heads down saying \”boy that really taught us a lesson\”. Wrong!!!! State Farm has been punished by having to pay what they owe and the bad publicity. Their policyholders should take note and think about other companies. I recommend an independent agent (partly because I am one) but also because I serve my customers instead of the company. Insurance companies are like the government. When the government over spends they raise taxes. When State Farm has to pay more they raise rates. What will happen if every one of these lawsuits is settled with $1million punitive damages added to the award. The insurance industry will just pass it on to us. Were making millionaires out of people instead of paying to put them back where they were which is all they deserve. Stupid court system we have. Punitive to society!!!

  • February 2, 2007 at 7:59 am
    Reagan says:
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    Finally, some clearheadedness from the judge. These people are lucky they got anything. Lets see, policy doesn\’t cover it, irresponsible people sue, judge agrees, dumb, ignorant jury agrees with irresponsbile people. Maybe they can make it up in the billions of dollars of my taxes that have been sent to them, or the billions in private donations that have been stolen once again. God should have finished that city of Sodom off with the storm

  • March 22, 2007 at 8:52 am
    InsuranceConsumers says:
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    Federal protections, confusing policy language, lobbyists and a strongarm approach to customer service have us all cowering in front of the people we pay to protect us.

    It\’s time for a change.


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