Fire Safety Urged as Clocks Changed

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said it hopes all residents replaced their smoke detector batteries and checked their units in many parts of the country this past weekend, as clocks were turned back to end Daylight Savings Time. Taking part of the “extra hour” to do so can have lifesaving consequences.

In many of the house fires where lives are lost, an operating smoke detector reportedly could have made a difference.

FEMA offers these additional fire safety tips:

* Install smoke detectors on every level of your home, especially near bedrooms;
* Test all smoke detectors monthly;
* Keep smoke detectors clean by vacuuming over and around them regularly;
* As with any appliance, smoke detectors wear out. Replace the entire unit after 10 years or as recommended by the manufacturer;
* Make sure you know the location of your fire department, police station and hospital and post a list of emergency numbers near all the telephones;
* Organize and practice a family fire drill.