ISO Makes Available Liability Advisor for Accident-Related Liability Claims

ISO has introduced ISO Liability Advisor, an information solution that reportedly helps claims professionals better evaluate accident-related liability claims.

The new ISO solution also provides a relational database that enables claims managers and adjusters to report, track and manage their liability claims — an area that has reportedly been almost completely overlooked by the insurance industry.

“We developed ISO Liability Advisor as a next-generation solution for liability assessment after extensive research into customer needs,” said Lee Fogle, vice president of ISO Claims Services Inc. “We listened to what insurers wanted, and their input helped us develop and deliver a solution that helps customers profit from ISO information.

“ISO Liability Advisor is a knowledge-sharing expert tool that brings the extensive experience of senior adjusters to the service of the entire adjusting staff,” Fogle further said. “The software will make it easy for claims professionals to evaluate complex liability situations and get a better handle on determining liability.”

Close to 70 percent of all auto accidents involve multiple parties, yet most insurers do not track and manage how often a liability is correctly assigned to, and assessed of, all involved parties.

ISO Liability Advisor will provide several tools to adjusters for claims evaluation:

•A data-gathering capability to capture details of loss information and data specific to the parties involved;
•A scene diagram tool for documenting elements of the accident, such as vehicle direction, point of impact for each vehicle, area characteristics, actual speed, road conditions, etc;
•A rules-based calculator to determine a range for liability percentages based on the information provided;
•Links to various adjuster research information sites, including state statutes, departments of insurance, DMVs for driver manuals and weather;
•The ability to import digital photos and documents that will remain a permanent part of the case file.