Family of Joplin Tornado Victim Sues Wal-Mart

September 19, 2012

  • September 19, 2012 at 2:58 pm
    This should be interesting says:
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    And if they let him go & he met his demise, they would have sued them anyway. Nice people!

  • September 19, 2012 at 3:02 pm
    Jester says:
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    This suit has no merit. WalMart acted responsibly under the circumstances. If they had allowed this guy to leave and he was sucked up by the tornado they would have sued for that too. The prudent thing to do when there’s an impeding storm is to direct people to the most safe area of the building. WalMarts are not tornado shelters. There was no negligence involved. They deserve nothing.

  • September 19, 2012 at 5:04 pm
    Joe Willingham says:
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    The deceased was “not allowed” to leave? Give me a break. Store EE’s most likely told everyone over the PA to take shelter and that a storm was coming. I doubt anyone was at the door forcing people to stay indoors and not leave.

    Even if they were it was in the best interests of all. Walmart EE’s did the right thing. Sounds like pure greed on the part of the heirs to me.


  • September 19, 2012 at 5:14 pm
    chad balaamaba says:
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    guess they noticed Walmart has lots of money; hopefully Walmart will fight this all the way thru court; seriously, it was a terrible storm, a tragedy some 161 or so lost their lives; it demolished a large section of the city of Joplin…how do they know his car was going to start? not stall on the road under the storm? what about being hit and skewered with flying debris and timber? Some people lived in walk in freezers that were not designed to last a storm in other businesses…guess walmart should construct a bomb/tornado shelter in aisle 8 just for this happenstance…sorry they lost a loved one, but even if they were awarded a walmart franchise, he is still not with them any longer. Sad.

  • September 21, 2012 at 5:45 pm
    Devil's Advocate says:
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    If the judge on this has any guts, this will get thrown out on causation.

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