Indiana Teachers’ Insurance Trust Hopes to Unload Debt

May 18, 2009

  • May 18, 2009 at 2:40 am
    Insurance Watchdog! says:
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    The state of Indiana pushed for school pooling on the P/C about two years ago with marginal success and few little participating schools.

    The state and the Ind Dept of Insurance were forewarned that any pooling trust arrangement is not too smart for municipal risks including schools. While the health/disability trust for schools were underwater the state continued to push for the P/C pooling.

    The insurance commissioner is quoted saying if the individual school districts who are participating would be liable for any shortfall…and the taxpayers of those districts would be forced to fund it.

    Hello, Mr. Governor Mitch Daniels…your idea in saving schools money is quickly rearing its ugly head and backfiring on the taxpayers.

    You had re-think your position going forward before additional burden is placed on the taxpayers…..

  • May 19, 2009 at 8:27 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, now, will have to have ask the feds for money? um…um… it’s already looking bad for those teachers. now the taxpayer is going to have to help again!… how can it get this bad? where was the oversight? that is a lot of money to lose!

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