Ohio Supreme Court Reverses Ruling: Injured Worker Gets Benefits Afterall

October 3, 2007

  • October 3, 2007 at 2:09 am
    Darwin says:
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    What kind of moron puts water in a fryer? This is just the thinning of the herd folks. Natural selection in action.

  • October 3, 2007 at 2:24 am
    Disappointed says:
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    This moron VIOLATED known safety policies….and suffered the consequences! The Court’s initial ruling was correct. Why must the employer (trickle down = we) pay to support this dimwit? Doesn’t anyone take responsibility for their own actions any more?

  • October 3, 2007 at 2:26 am
    CWF says:
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    Darwin – the kind of moron who, during his job interview, when asked where he’d like to be 5 years from now replied “God willing, sitting at home collecting workers comp.”

  • October 3, 2007 at 3:41 am
    Dan says:
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    What does this have to do with Darwin, hes still alive and can still procreate, your comment is really not applicable here is it?

    PLus if hes so stupid, why did they hire him and then keep him as an employee after he broke the rules.

    What if a factory worker has to work a complex machine and he forgets how to do it and screws it up? Should he be denied benefits?

    Also, why would any one want to be getting benefits for severe burning and disfigurement??

  • October 3, 2007 at 3:50 am
    Anonymous says:
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    This guy was not working a complicated machine, it was a fryer. And it wasnt that he just didn’t know how to use it. The article clearly states there were 2 other employess standing close enough to get hurt themelves who repeatedly told him not to do this. Why should he be compensated for CLEARLY breaking the rules and injuring other people in the process.

  • October 3, 2007 at 3:53 am
    Dickenson says:
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    I think they had an obligation to fire him. As long as hes an employee hes covered.
    They should have fired him for his own safety and the safety of the other workers. This guy was clearly a nut job.

  • October 3, 2007 at 3:54 am
    Anon says:
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    Who is the ‘we’ you refer to? The WC payments being made to this not too intelligent individual who apparently cannot listen are not from ‘we’, but from the OH WC system. The WC system is funded by premium from employers. Now, if the original ruling were allowed to stand, this uber-employee would then have the right to sue the employer, certainly seeking much more than the disability payments he is getting now.

  • October 3, 2007 at 4:35 am
    Mary B. says:
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    Since when did WC benefits depend upon liability/fault of the employee? I know in my state (CA) it certainly doesn’t. Not sure about Ohio, anybody know? From the information presented this is a good decision and based on sound and legal principles.

  • October 4, 2007 at 8:52 am
    Dread says:
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    The decision is just another mile marker for a detriorating justice system that’s badly flawed. The “recalcitrant” employee defense that is recognized in EVERY WC case should bar any recovery. Repeated disregard for warnings meets this criteria. This ruling sends a message to dimwits everywhere that personal responsibility is a dead issue.

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