Iowa Man Files Lawsuit Claiming Sexual Harrassment at Work

March 1, 2007

  • March 1, 2007 at 1:16 am
    Perry says:
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    I believe that Mr. Quick has suffered sexual harrassment at work a very common practice in today\’s working environment, in any field since the Bush Administration took over this Country.

    Women of today expose their body and search for a victim at work and turnaround and file for sexual harrassment to collect money to get the person they don\’t like fired. I have seen done over and over again, it\’s ashame that we men don\’t get together and form somekind of consortium to fight these false sexual allegations.

  • March 1, 2007 at 1:46 am
    Ron says:
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    Since the Bush Administration took office? Did you really type that? I don\’t remember any of his aides getting a little \”bonus\” at work. Sexual harassement has been going on for ages.

  • March 1, 2007 at 1:59 am
    Wow says:
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    Perry – are you serious?

    It\’s a shame \”we men\” don\’t get together? You clearly have no idea about the tribulations some people face. Perhaps you are lucky enough to be surrounded by open minded people who do not act inappropriately, but for the rest of us, dealing with ignorance is a frustrating, degrading, and exhaustive.

    Or perhaps you are the source?

    I have showed your response to several male coworkers and they have all shook their head, embarrassed to be associated with the \”we men\” club you are referring to.

  • March 1, 2007 at 2:04 am
    Elizabeth says:
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    Perry, I can\’t belive that you actually said that about women. That is a bold of you to say. I am really glad that the men in my life are nothing like you.

  • March 1, 2007 at 2:06 am
    Ron says:
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    True story Wow. Anyone who thinks if a woman dresses a certain way should be subjected to harrassement probably is a contributor to the problem. In our office we have some women who dress a little less than professionally, but still are respected for their opinions. They are not judged or harrassed because of their attire.

  • March 1, 2007 at 2:50 am
    Paul says:
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    Unfortunatley people like Perry are prevelant everywhere. I work for a large broker in San Francisco and I am continuously subjected to anti-gay harrassment (almost on a daily basis)from my company (including HR). It\’s pretty sad.

  • March 2, 2007 at 8:58 am
    Fred says:
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    At least your not in Largo Florida. The city mgr who has worked well and done a great job in goig to have a sex change and has lost his job. Many of the commissioners stated they have lost trust in him…what a crock.
    Hipocracy and discrimination is everywhere.

  • March 5, 2007 at 10:14 am
    Lurker says:
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    I agree with you Ron, we do not harrass the women who choose to show what they got. We just quietly enjoy the show and thank the Lord they are there to make our day more enjoyable.

  • March 5, 2007 at 10:25 am
    Wow says:
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    Lurker – not only is the name you chose to post under incredibly creepy, but so is your comment. If I\’m lucky, I will go my entire life without ever having to meet you.

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