Neb. Senator’s Driver’s Certificate Legislation Raises Questions

November 14, 2006

  • November 14, 2006 at 1:44 am
    Make them get legal says:
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    Screw the certificates. If they are not legal and have a SS#, they should not drive nor should they be allowed to legally. Just another ploy to give it all away to the poor illegals. Tough and notice the name of the person trying to get this through…………

  • November 14, 2006 at 2:10 am
    Fidel says:
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    How can they get a license without insurance? It\’s time to start rounding up these people and shipping them home.

    The other day the pope said that the proposed fence at the Mexican border would be \”inhuman.\” I ask you: what percentage of Mexicans are protestants? Maybe the pope ought to tell his minions to obey the law.

  • November 14, 2006 at 2:23 am
    Nan says:
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    Perhaps something of this type would be helpful. We have a lot of folks from Europe, not Mexico who come to the East Coast but they don\’t have ss#. Some have international licenses and others are too young to drive when they get here. In MA you can get a driver\’s license without insurance but you cannot get a car registration without proof of insurance. You cannot insure just your license in MA, you must have an auto to purchase insurance. Maybe a certificate would be a good way to track people who come here.. then if they overstay, many could be tracked by the certificate in use… if anyone really wanted to track and deport them.

  • November 14, 2006 at 2:43 am
    Fidel says:
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    Howsabout branding them on the forehead when we catch them?

  • November 14, 2006 at 3:51 am
    not too harsh says:
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    Fidel, don\’t miss a great chance that involves actual justice just cuz you\’re peeved at illegal immigrants. The folks we should be branding on the forehead are child molesters – that, a bell around the neck, and a good gelding, and we can stop spending money and just leave them on the streets, where kids will always know to RUN AWAY. Just like lepers in the Old testament…

  • November 14, 2006 at 4:44 am
    Fidel says:
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    We\’re getting soft. Anyone caught here illegally should be punished severely – just like in Mexico, where illegals are imprisoned for five years when convicted.

    On several occasions when border patrol agents chase illegals at the border and the illegals drop their backpacks to run faster, the agents have found korans and fake id\’s in them. How many muslims are coming in from Mexico to pick grapes and cut grass?

  • November 15, 2006 at 10:09 am
    Irritatated by ignorance says:
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    Racist much?

  • November 15, 2006 at 10:24 am
    Fidel says:
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    I guess it\’s fait to accuse you of being a communist?

    Please quote one instance of anyone in this discussion exhibiting racism. You didn\’t, and you won\’t because you can\’t.

  • November 16, 2006 at 2:06 am
    Nan says:
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    Our experience with Mexicans is that they are hard working and would rather be working in Mexico but there isn\’t work…our factories and jobs have gone to Viet Nam leaving lots of poor people living near our border. I would rather have my northern border protected because we know that terrorist have driven into the US from Canada and we know they have a lax immigration policy. Most terrorist have money to travel first class…they don\’t have to cross a dessert. I still think tracking people with a certificate if they don\’t have a SS# is a good idea. Most people are very honest and hard working.

  • November 16, 2006 at 2:50 am
    GET REAL says:
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    Work in insurance and you will see the light. All of the unlicensed and uninsured Mexicans who are then not able to be found, cannot or will not speak English,, , , , , , What recourse does anyone have? None and they know it and laugh all the way to the bank with their untaxed salaries while I who has no children pay for their children to go to school to be taught in Spanish, their medical and dental care, and welfare. Something is wrong there and using a piece of paper is not going to change it. That is a huge laugh and people like you are a big part of the problem because you are out of the loop and head under the sand.

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