Gulf Coast Teamsters Get Continued Benefits

Trustees of the Teamsters’ Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare and Pension Funds unanimously passed a resolution today ensuring that eligible fund participants will receive uninterrupted health care coverage through the fallout from Hurricane Katrina.

Active fund participants who are unable to work due to the effects of the hurricane will have their health care coverage extended for four weeks, without contributions. This extension covers eligible family members as well.

In addition, during the emergency, participants and their dependents who seek medical care will not be penalized for using out-of-network providers, prescription coverage restrictions have been relaxed to allow participants to receive the medications they need during the emergency with no penalties, and immunizations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control will be fully paid for.

The Central States Southeast and Southwest Areas Health and Welfare and Pension Funds, based in Chicago, provide health and retirement benefits to 450,000 Teamsters and their families.