Pennsylvania Schools Close Classroom Over Bed Bugs

March 7, 2012

  • March 7, 2012 at 10:33 am
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    Closing the classroom and removing carpets is an overreaction, and tends to perpetuate misinformation, incur unnecessary costs, and instill fear. There are more appropriate methods to treat the room. Then, this room as well as others should be monitored to detect any future pest problem. In any case, any pest should be objectively identified by an independent expert (who has no stake in the answer) before pest management activities are pursued.

  • March 7, 2012 at 2:46 pm
    Anejo says:
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    That one photo of a bed bug is used so often I have to wonder if the little bugger gets royalties.

    • March 7, 2012 at 3:13 pm
      There's that picture again says:
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      The least someone should do is show a squashed one for a change.

  • March 25, 2012 at 9:50 pm
    Ashlee says:
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    This is horrifying! I thought head lice was bad enough, and to hear about a school near me with this problem is nuts. I think this school is taking care of the problem! My Childs school allows pillow pets, and doesn’t have a nix free policy, and all the book bags, and coats are put in a pile. 3 times now my kid came home with lice, and almost spent 1,000$. Let’s just say if bed bugs became an issue I would have to home school.

    • April 6, 2012 at 8:33 am
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      Ashlee: It would be horrifying and unjustified to overreact as described. It would be trading a small problem for a much larger one. As far as head lice, it is difficult to imagine why one would have to spend as much as you did, unless you were pursuing inappropriate strategies. Perhaps, you were basing your decisions and actions on misinformation. You might find the information on my website to be insightful.

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