Rains, Floods Place Southern New England In State Of Emergency

May 15, 2006

  • May 15, 2006 at 10:02 am
    Alex C says:
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    As most people know, due to lack of yearly flooding in Mississippi delta, New Orleans and surrounding area is slowly sinking. These areas are well below sea level while New England is not. Although we can create dams and levys to hold the sea back, we will have to give up soon or later. If supposit \”Global Warming\” does raise the sea level even higher, not just N.O. but Florida and other places will become below sea level.

    If someone want to live below sea level, it should be at their cost not at the expense of smart people who have chosen to live on a higher ground. They should pay for their own levy, rebuilding cost and insurance to cover these costs. If it is too expensive, than move.

    Just a short commentary on paying for others to live in a dangerous place.


  • May 15, 2006 at 11:22 am
    Amanda says:
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    Another Mature response…


    I\’m so sick of people complaining about how they are getting \”picked on by other people\” because of where they live. Get over yourself!

  • May 15, 2006 at 2:55 am
    NewOrleans says:
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    Why do people live where it could flood like that? People in the northeast must not be too smart, who in their right mind would build where it Floods over and over? I don\’t see why this country should care about those that put themselves at risk, don\’t put my tax dollars into that community. That\’s just not smart. Hey if they didn\’t carry flood insurance it\’s not my fault, don\’t give them any aid. Oh, it a republican conspiracy only the blue states are getting flooded. Or, I bet it\’s god\’s way of paying us back for being in Iraq.

    (Just wanted to echo some of the idiocy in replys read hear after Katrina.)

  • May 15, 2006 at 3:18 am
    Flooding is new in New England says:
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    Flooding is new in New England. The weather is changing everywhere because of global warming. It did not use to Flood there like it does now. Unless the world does something to reverse the global warming and the moral deteriation of most hearts and minds of the citizens of the world there will be no place in the world that does not have adverse destructive weather. Mark my words.

  • May 16, 2006 at 11:04 am
    New Orleans says:
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    Amanda, et.al.

    In my title I had put in (Sarcasm Commeth) but for some reason it didn\’t go through.

    All I was trying to do was poke fun at the idiot responses posted after Katrina.

    I agree with you; if you want to live in an ice/earthquake/flood/tornado/wildfire zone then do it. But the comments seen here after Katrina were comical at best and a sad state of human compassion at worst.

    What was meant as a satirical post was obviously not written well enough.

    We now have \”Global Warming\” and \”Sinking City\” rearing their ugly heads. As if New Orleans is an effort in futility. All I was trying to do was point out how ridiculous the argument was then, and continues to be now. Everyone is at risk for some type of calamity where they live. So as you put it so eloquently, \”Get a Life!\”

    Or, (insert sarcasm here)if we can\’t rebuild New Orleans, then no tall buildings in NY, evacuate San Francisco, get rid of all the above ground structures in the Midwest, and it\’s been raining for days, lets get everyone out of the northeast now! And god forbid don\’t let them rebuild because global warming will only flood them again.

    Ps. I think all of you need to lighten up a bit, take the day off. You have my permission.

  • May 16, 2006 at 12:00 pm
    weirdo says:
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    I\’m on your side, New Orleans (one of my favorite places on earth, BTW).

    Wake up, people. There are no \”safe\” areas anymore, what with greedy developers invading every single acre of green, swampland or vacant space left in this country.

  • May 22, 2006 at 2:10 am
    Howard Dean says:
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    It\’s all George Bush\’s fault!!!

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