Pa. Suit Targets Gun Dealer Liability

April 21, 2004

  • April 22, 2004 at 11:14 am
    Matt says:
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    I have personally done busisness with the gun shop in this article and this is a joke. This lawsuit makes about as much sense as trying to sue a used car dealer for selling someone a car that was involved in an accident that someone was killed. Its not the fault of the seller. Its the responsibility of the person who bought the gun to be held responsible. After all he sold the gun illegaly to a criminal not the store owner. But welcome to america where the good guys get screwed by some money hungry prick lawyer.

  • April 23, 2004 at 7:57 am
    GARY says:
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    Whats next?….A Ford Dealer sells a Taurus to a little old lady. And then the car is stolen and used in the commission of a crime. Do we sue the Ford Dealer or the Ford Motor Company?

  • April 23, 2004 at 8:57 am
    Jim says:
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    Here we go again, only in America and ultr-liberal Philadelphia. If the dealer complied with all laws when selling the gun, where’s his liability? Shouldn’t the lawsuit be against the indiviual who illegally re-sold the gun to the criminal? Oh, this makes too much sense and the criminal doesn’t have an alleged deep pocket. Maybe, it’s time we chnged our screwed up courts. That is, if the lawsuit is dismissed or the defendant wins, then the plaintiff should have to pay ALL of the expenses and if he can’t afford it, then the plaintiff’s attorney should have to pay. This would end this type of abuse.

  • April 23, 2004 at 1:15 am
    John says:
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    First of all this Disabled Influx Drug User from Philadephia comes to Williamsport for drug rehab. Why would a Unemployed dishwasher need a gun? Or better yet why would this Disabled Unemployed Influx Drug User using the system all his life need a gun? ITS ABOUT TIME HE SHOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS ACTIONS, NOT THE STORE OWNER THAT WORKS FOR A LIVING OR A BETTER LIFE IN AMERICA! Its not the store owner that broke the law. But why is he being sued? He is probaly the only one that might have some money because he works for a living, not living off government checks. How about the one that issued this Disabled Unemployed Influx Drug User a gun permit? Its great to be a working tax payer that owns a business, LETS SUE EVERYONE!!

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